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The Freedom of Ebony Banks eBook

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Ebony Banks is an ambitious single mother with a wonderful job and eight-year-old son. She meets an intelligent and handsome man who she believes is the love of her life, that is until she notices a pattern of very odd behavior. What will she discover?

Follow the journey of Ebony Banks and how she persevered through emotional, psychological, and financial abuse of a toxic relationship with a narcissistic psychopath.

Short Novel

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Aria Craig | Amazon Bestselling & Award-Winning Author

Aria Craig is an award-winning and Amazon bestselling author under five parenting categories. She has written empowerment books for moms and children who are experiencing social circumstances, such as being bullied or navigating co-parenting family structures. Aria has been featured in several online media publications, such as ShoutOut ATL and Madam Noire, and speaks on topics introduced in her books. She is currently writing her first fiction novel on the toxic effects of sibling narcissism.