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The Smiley Coyote Preacher: An SCP-2547 Tale

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Those familiar with the stories of the Southwestern United States are no strangers to the idea of a coyote with supernatural powers. For most of those held hostage by the entity known as SCP-2547-1, however, the concept is new, strange, and utterly terrifying. His appearance being preceded by an isolated town being surrounded by thousands of feral canids and all the water in the town drying up, most residents take up his offers to trade for water.

... in many cases, the coyote, calling himself "the Reverend," is not satisfied with what they offer him. Those who cannot please the bipedal coyote are transformed into feral canids, no different than the others that make up the pack designated as SCP-2547. Despite the terrifying power SCP-2547-1 wields, many do in fact manage to carry out successful trades with him.

This is not a story of one of those cases. It is the story of a man whose offering greatly displeases the Reverend. When it looks like he is about to be turned into a common dog as punishment, something strange happens, and it seems the man might receive a rare moment of mercy. It turns out, the Reverend has a far worse fate in mind for the human...

The Smiley Coyote Preacher: An SCP-2547 Tale is based on “SCP-2547” by “AbsentmindedNihilist” on the SCP Foundation wiki. This work is licensed and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0.
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