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It's time to finally Shift Into Action and get decluttered!

Everyone tells you that you need to get organized but I'm here to shake things up a bit!

Because I know that as a person dealing with clutter you've probably already tried:

  • moving stuff around
  • not parting with anything
  • renting storage units
  • buying storage bins

That’s exactly why I created the SHIFT INTO ACTION course!

It’s the answer for people who want to finally get their homes decluttered!

What's inside the course?

  • Learn how journaling can clear your mind
  • Learn to let go of "stuff"
  • Learn to develop new habits
  • Learn to maintain your new decluttered space

Get your FREE course!



Hey there, I'm Marj!

And I help people get decluttered, get unstuck and realize their dreams. For my whole life I have been a serial declutterer and I can help you get your home and self decluttered and organized easily and painlessly!

So if you’re ready to Shift Into Action and gain more time to do the things you love to do, I’m ready to teach you how.

Let's take a closer look at everything you get when you sign up for the How to make my WordPress site mobile friendly and accessible course:


Set your goals

Having a goal and a plan are keys to success!


Tools for success

You'll get trackers, access to a private facebook group, a resource guide, printable calendar and workbook


Maintaining your success

Changing habits to free up your physical and head space so you can move on with the fun things in life!

I'm ready Marj!