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The Ultimate Guide to Dwarf Hamsters

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Introduction to The Dwarf Hamsters

So, Snow White may have had her seven dwarfs.  But they don’t compare at all to the four dwarfs we’re about to discuss in this book.  And no their names aren’t even near Dopey, Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy. well you get the idea.

What we’re talking about here is a delightful “pocket pet.”  A small little furry creature that’ll win your heart the moment you take a look at him:  The dwarf hamster.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the dwarf hamster, you may be a little surprised that there is a variety of hamster out there that’s even smaller than the Syrian or Golden Hamster.

A Syrian hamster is about eight inches in length – a little guy in his own right by any definition.  So just how small does a hamster have to be thought of as a dwarf?

These guys get no bigger than four inches in length.  They’re actually so small that they can climb right through the spaces between a regular wire hamster cage!

Now that’s tiny!  But the love and delight they’ll provide your family are huge. If you’ve been considering adding a pet to your family, but just don’t have the room for a dog or even the space for a cat and accompanying litter box, consider the addition of a dwarf hamster to your family.

But we’ll warn you right now:  While they’re small, they are not without their needs, just like any living pet.  You’ll find though that spending time caring for these guys, playing and interacting with them will provide you with some of the best moments of your day!

This comprehensive, yet easy-to-read guide contains all the expert tips and advice you need to raise a happy, healthy hamster.

You’ll learn:

  • The different hamster species and the characteristics and typical behaviors of each – so you’ll know right away which type of hamster is right for you!
  • A quick and easy way to tell the sex of a hamster – you’ll be amazed at how easy this is to do when you follow this simple tip!
  • The right type of diet to start your baby hamster out on – not doing this can cause digestive and nutritional problems later in life!
  • A full chapter on how to select the right hamster for your home – including a complete checklist of things to look for when choosing a hamster!
  • How to set up the proper habitat for your hamster – and ensure that your hamster is happy and healthy for years to come!
  • Where to get your hamster from – as well as where you should never buy a hamster!
  • How to handle, tame and train your hamster like an expert – even if you’ve never had a pet hamster before in your life!
  • All about common hamster illnesses, including their causes and the best courses of treatment – here you’ll learn how to spot hamster illnesses early before they become serious, including nutritional disorders, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, viral illnesses, fungal diseases, gastrointestinal infections, traumatic injuries, hereditary diseases, reproductive disorders, neurological disorders, and environmental disorders
  • A complete chapter on hamster breeding – do you think you want to breed hamsters? Read this chapter before attempting anything!
  • Detailed answers to the most common questions about hamsters – I’ve gathered these questions from various hamster owners over the last 5 years
  • Where to place your hamster's cage – and what to put in it to provide your hamster with an exciting environment that he or she won’t grow tired of!
  • What you need to know should your hamster escape its cage and run free in your house!
  • An in-depth look at an OPTIMUM hamster diet -- follow this diet exactly, or create your own! It's up to you … plus, you’ll learn how, when and how much to feed your hamster
  •  And much, much more!
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