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Asparagus was originally designed and made for a friend of mine who seemed to spend most of her PhD taking MRI scans of spears of asparagus - although it was useful, I promise. So when she became a doctor, what better to commemorate the event than making a knitted asparagus that will stay fresh forever.
Gauge isn't particularly important for this project, and you can change the yarn weight (and needle size!) to make a larger or smaller stalk.
Asparagus is a small, quick knit, suitable for all knitting levels, including those who want to learn to knit in the round. Skills required:
  • Casting on and joining in the round,
  • knitting,
  • purling,
  • kfb,
  • k2tog,
  • picking up stitches.
Asparagus is available as a free download, although if you would like to make a donation, you can name your own price. Any proceeds will be donated to support mental health charities.
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