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Gargoyles and the Goatlord

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In the second book of Penn Fawn’s Underworld series, a spin off from his Necropolis novels, mankind is featured from the perspective of gargoyles plus the goatlord, a half-man, half-goat, mythological creature.

In the afterlife men are not the apex predator. They are not at the top of the food chain, nor do they have dominion over all other animals in this strange, ancient, and unforgiving place, they could not have imagined existed.

They are the despised and hunted, what the winged mythical beasts, and those who have hooves as opposed to feet, call the scourge.

As such, Hespatia, the witch protagonist, and her peers, find themselves facing a lack of compassion or mercy from creatures who believe the only good man is a dead one, when what the men desire above all else in the afterlife, is to find any place where they can safely live.
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