Half Up Hair Style, Split Colors ღ
Hello! This is a singular hairstyle that is half up half down. There are bones to make the hair flow nice! I made the bangs, top, middle, and pony detachable in unity if needed. Possibly more styles will come out in the future. Enjoy!
Want just the textures? CLICK HERE :)
☽ created in Blender from scratch
☽ fit to Amelia head
☽ weight painted w/bones
☽ not optimized (didn't realize until finished :()
☽ 1 FBX, unity packing with SOME textures (not all), all 9 hair color texture pngs
☽ poi shaders were used for the hair in unity
☽ bangs, top, middle, and pony are detachable in unity
- does NOT include anything in picture besides the hair
☽ can edit however you'd like! show me what you make :o
☽ please credit if you use it for public, personal/private, or for sale assets/avis!
☽ please do not resell, reuse, distribute, or claim, thank you <3
join the discord for updates, send your pictures, support tickets, or comments!! --> https://hopp.bio/tqrtilla
(pictures of purchased products will go into my Payhip store gallery!!)
pls leave a nice comment/rating if you'd like as well :) TYSMM