Meet Kira, another cute neko to add to the collection :) She has LOTS of toggles, extra gogo poses, fake index, face tracking, and more!
I am moving to Costa Rica for 3 months, if there are any issues please contact me and I will try to fix it when I can (sorry if I'm busy)!!
ღ gogo loco + extra poses
ღ sakura springjoint
ღ fake index hand gestures + middle finger!!
ღ phone prop, katana
ღ 2 tiger followers, one on head
ღ sps <3 (one nsfw version pc only)
ღ 6 main outfits (can mix match), backpack, outfit color changes
ღ 3 shoes, warmers, 2 socks + dawgs
ღ jacket, corset, 9 accessories, toggles
ღ fun props
ღ 25 hair colors + hues // emission strength
ღ eye hue, 3 skin shades
ღ 5 TShirt colors, color hues for all clothes in one
ღ 2 tails, 3 ears
Quest Version
ღ 1 hair, 4 hair colors, 2 shirts, one pair of shorts, gloves, hair clips, 1 tail, 2 skin colors, mask, facial piercings, 2 ear sets
ღ Facial expressions, fake index hand gestures, newest gogo loco, face tracking, no physbones
This was a quick make of the quest version, only issue known is subtle clipping in the shorts
Unity: 2022.3.22f1
Used VCC, with the addition of avatar 3.0 manager, toggle creators, wholesome, jerry's ft template, memory optimizer, gesture manager
- create vcc avatar project
- add vrcfury to vcc
- add jerrys face tracking to vcc!! (must)
- import poiyomi shaders 7.3 version (or the version with all versions) + liltoon shaders
- import kira!
- open "kira OPEN ME" then upload <3
Quest also uses vrcfury~
ღ Head: cicieaaa, (no reuse of head or texture, must buy from creator), freckles, face tracking, makeup, piercings, makeup 2, eyes
ღ Base: body, tattoos, nails, skin
ღ Hair/Ears: long, pony, flowy, updo, textures, ears and tail, ears 2, pony 2, tail 2
ღ Clothing: outfit, outfit 2, outfit 3, outfit 4, tshirt, shorts 1, shorts 2, boots, bodysuit
ღ Acc: glasses, mask, nip piercings, gloves, belly piercing, cat plush, hair clips, katana, tiger, springjoint
ღ Extra: gogo, toggle icons, fake index, toggle assistant, poi shaders, vrcfury, vcc, pngs, boxes, wholesome, paramtere optimizer
(please let me know if I missed anything or credited incorrectly!)
~ phone/earrings by me
☽ you may NOT take any asset off this avatar, please see above for links to each asset to purchase directly
☽ feel free to edit how you like, edits of the avatar are still not allowed to be resold
☽ no sharing of packages, use the gift button when purchasing
☽ avatar may NOT be uploaded publically, private only
☽ credit when asked or using on media
☽ please do not resell, reuse, distribute, or claim, thank you <3
☽ sorry in advance if I miss a credit/misscredit, feel free to dm me!
failure to comply to my TOS results in a ban to all stores, social media, and will take further action if need be
join the discord for updates, send your pictures, support tickets, or comments!! -->
(pictures of purchased products will go into my Payhip store gallery!!)
pls leave a nice comment if you'd like as well :) TYSMM