Dueling the Dragon Collection - eBook version - Dispatches From Chengdu / Laments From Leshan / Chidings From Changping / Briefings From Beijing / Perspectives From Peking
China: Superpower or Basket Case? You Decide!
By turns comic and chilling, Abdiel LeRoy’s first-hand accounts of living and working in China expose the deep levels of corruption tearing at the country’s social fabric.
Students are sold into slavery while teachers pocket the proceeds, universities honour exam cheats, and farmers are driven off their land by corrupt officials and developers. Abdiel’s own experiences include persecution by state media, dishonored contracts, and arrest on false charges.
Yet there is delight amid the despair as he encounters China's "raven-haired beauties" and embraces the performing arts in Beijing.
"Fascinating", "eloquent", "horrifying!" are among the ways readers describe these memoirs as, with a journalist’s eye and lively wit, Abdiel deconstructs China's "web of domination", "culture of impunity", and "spiritual impoverishment", where human beings are commoditized and avarice cloaked in the flag of Communism.
Compiled over more than a decade, and spanning from Sichuan Province in the west to Beijing in the east, these five books, here gathered into one volume, serve as a real-life adventure story combining "reverie and revulsion, miracle and monster, friend and foe."
You’ll laugh away the tears with these riveting memoirs.