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Soul-Full Yoga & Sound

Restorative & Yin Yoga, Breathwork & Affirmations

Live, Online, Worldwide, Every Tuesday


Hi, I'm Shivani

Are you ready to release the anxiety and overwhelm?

Do you desire to go deeper and elevate your joy?

Do you want to unravel limiting beliefs, celebrate yourself, so you can truly live a heartfelt, creative, authentic and empowered life?

It's time to embark on an extraordinary inner journey towards a more fulfilling and blissful life with highly accessible yoga and breathwork practice with nature's rhythms and the moon cycle as our guides.

What my happy students are saying

Beloved Yoga Friends

I feel your deepest desires.

You’re ready to tap into yourself, expand your joy and access deeper states of consciousness. To stop that crippling overwhelm, cast off your anxiety and re-align with your soul’s true purpose.


Hearing your guidance from within, you’ll feel inspired, creative and able to step out authentically in the world. Releasing sporadic practices, dumbing down habits, short term fixes, pills and potions or unsupportive emotional reactions.


To finally commit to a regular proven practice, embrace your undivided self, and say 'yes' to your beautiful, miraculous life every second of the day. Build the life of your dreams, manifesting everything you always craved… 

You don’t need another course or more information

And you already know that Googling free information leads you to outdated and incomplete advice, with no provable way to get you to where you want to be and stay there.


If the Google “how to” articles were effective, every seeker would be instantly enlightened.


Are you over “Just be present” and “Get my self-love challenge” self-discovery advice already?


You’re ready to find immediate relief to your stress and habitual patterns and to commit to yourself in a way that will radically transform your whole life.


You don’t want to waste years meditating that voice away, attending short term fix retreats, or learning the newest scientific strategies to help your gut instinct that something is "just missing".

You’ve even tried some of this, against your better judgement:

Joining Facebook Groups in a vain attempt to find people like you who have already found that inner peace, so you can feel optimistic about your situation. But you tune out when you discover that no one in those groups are any closer to bliss than you are.

Going to organised local yoga days and events in an attempt to immerse in the good vibes only to leave with a tummy full of cake AND needing three days to recover.


Taking on an expensive 1-1 yoga teacher, just like Madonna did, but you soon realise that you don’t want to put your legs behind your head, visit Mysore and wear out your bank account.

And how has it worked out for you so far?

You feel like you’re not cut out for yoga, that it’s too hard, the goal posts keep moving and you don’t trust those teachers who are telling you to do it their way because they don't seem to have it all together anyway.

Starting a yoga practice can seem like an impossible climb up an inhospitable mountain.


You don’t know what to do first, what props you really need or even how to get through a session without fainting with overwhelm.


And you haven’t even started thinking about how to do this regularly, for the rest of your life, because how will you fit it into everything else you have to do?

BUT you have that twinkling in your heart and you’d rather chip away at all your stuff for the rest of your life if it means you'll eventually find that glimmer of inner light you keep hearing about.


And because more courses, more Facebook groups and more 1-1 teachers aren’t your answer, you need something else to get you to Unity Mountain.

What my happy students are saying

You need a regular, accessible and doable class to help you discover your bliss

You need a teacher and guide who has over 25 years practice on the mat, over 20 of those teaching. You also need someone qualified as a Wellness Coach who really understands the challenges of finding a sustainable, nourishing, deep and empowering soul-inspired practice.


You need to set aside regular time so you can gently unravel your current stresses, and connect with your Deepest Self.

You need a weekly, LIVE, intimate group of people, just like you, so you can check in, feel held and let go.

You need to feel a sense of 24/7 community, the scaffolding that will support you as you gently unfold.

And you need to be able to access your sessions in an easy to navigate way, so you can repeat them whenever you need and desire.

When you gift yourself this... can wave goodbye to trying and failing to build your soul practice alone and FINALLY say hello to that Joy and Bliss you’ve always dreamed of.



Every Tuesday, just follow the link inside the membership area to join us LIVE. Here we will start 10 minutes before for you to say hello, then (following the moon and seasons) you'll be on your mat for breathwork and gentle Yin Yoga, all woven together by a tapestry of beautiful sounds.



In the membership area, you'll find all previous recordings, so you can practise with me and your soul family whenever you choose.



The beautiful souls you meet in the live classes will become your new soul family. You can connect, support and uplift and encourage any time in the membership area . You need never feel alone on your journey to bliss again.


Imagine how satisfied you’ll feel when you...

Finally start feeling and seeing the results you crave so you can live your life in a more blissful and elevated way.

Don't need to keep searching for just one more thing that's going to get you to that place of fulfilment that you've always craved. You can relax!

Open up to brand new possibilities in your life, such as more fulfilling relationships, a new mission and a clear mind.


How would you feel? How differently would you show up? How would you enjoy influencing others to step up to become the greatest version of themselves?

We can all rise together, the moment you commit to yourself.


Are you starting to feel ready to commit to yourself and become that shining star the world so desperately needs?

"Absolutely wonderful, you have found the perfect person to work with. Orange for creativity, purple for spirituality, pink for love and emotions, white encompasses all I find that the purple/ white being in the centre of the circle interesting. A strong core of spirituality."

— Susan-Marie

Who Am I and Why Am I Committed To Your Personal Growth and Fulfilment ?

Hi, I'm Shivani Maria, a highly experienced Senior Yoga Teacher (YAP) who has been practising Yoga for 25 years & teaching since 2003! 

I'm an Accredited Energy 4 Life Wellness Coach with a passion for supporting mature women, to feel confident and fabulous through the Yoga, Coaching & Sound Healing Toolbox

I'm also a Qualified Sound Healing practitioner with the College of Sound Healing.

I create and offer sessions that invite depth, clarity, connection and insight.

I'm overjoyed to invite you to a FREE live session that will support you in a deepening journey of unfolding to finding the Joy, Bliss and Fulfilment you're seeking and truly deserve.


Let’s get started! Join me.

With Love and warmth,

Shivani Maria xx

So are you ready to take the first step towards life as a Bliss-filled Being?

YOUR FIRST CLASS IS FREE! Just choose you preferred subscription below.

You can cancel any time.


Choose a pricing plan


per month
7 Day Free Trial
To see if this weekly class is right for you, I invite you to try one FREE class, with a seven day pass.

To keep falling in love with yourself, you can then join us every week live, have access to all the recordings AND receive extra bonus live meditations and healings.

You can self cancel any time. If you cancel within seven days, you won't be charged.


per year
7 Day Free Trial
To see if this weekly class is right for you, I invite you to try one FREE class, with a seven day pass.

To keep falling in love with yourself, you can then join us every week live, have access to all the recordings AND receive extra bonus live meditations and healings.

To save £65 a year, select this annual subscription, rather than the monthl subscription.

You can self cancel any time. If you cancel within seven days, you won't be charged.

What my happy students are saying

Artboard 1

“Shivani’s Yin yoga teaching is clear, energising and insightful. This deep holding practice with conscious breath, facilitates expansion on all levels and is beautifully guided. Shivani’s care & the integrity of her teaching, despite being from a distance, is ever present during our yoga sessions together. I am very thankful for her experience, wisdom & love."

— Esther De Angelis: Creative Coach, Bristol, UK

Artboard 1

“Shivani’s Yoga is a welcome balm in my week. With her wisdom, compassion & love Shivani creates a restorative refuge from the demands of daily doing. It allows me to slow down, be present and reconnect with my inner self. What a deep joy and fulfilment this brings to my spirit.”

— Amber PQ: Community Health Professional, East Sussex, UK

Artboard 1

"During the Yoga & Sound Healing sessions Shivani took us through a few yin exercises to connect us to body & breath & open us ready to receive the sound healing. Then she took me to a deep, velvety place where I was gently washed by sound. It was incredibly peaceful. Forty minutes of healing felt like five. I'm hooked!"

— Vima P: Carer & Meditator, Dorset, UK

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“Shivani is a very gifted, passionate, loving & caring person. She shares all the resources she has gained over the years, in the sessions, in holistic & balanced ways. Her encouragement and planning for making time to connect with my creativity were most useful. She has helped me to achieve some very important things and I feel more motivated to live my life fully.”

— MA: Healer, London, UK

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“My coaching conversations, by telephone, with Shivani Maria, helped me to see where I am at & what I need to achieve, to focus, giving me new ideas, enthusiasm, and a clearer direction of what I need to do step by step. So, I would like to thank you Shivani for your time & love.”

— Jo HL: Entrepreneur, Portugal

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"What I love about Shivani’s approach, through her Yin yoga, is that you don’t have to try hard to find peace, and I don’t have to try hard to find my relief, my release, and my letting go. I can just follow her guidance, the practices, and gently allow whatever needs to emerge to emerge, and I can be with that, it’s not too much. It’s just what I need."

— Harmony Isgolde: Masseuse, Devon, UK




This new moon online sound bath is designed to restore, reset, and re-inspire you from the comfort of your own home.

The New Moon is an excellent time to cleanse and reset your intentions.

Sound baths create a unique and accessible way to relax, soften and open yourself to receive guidance from within.

These live 60 minute sessions happen once a month, and you'll find the link in the membership area.

The replay will also be in the membership area along with all previous sound baths, so you immerse yourself any time.




Every Tuesday, just follow the link inside the membership area to join us LIVE. Here we will start at 7:50 for you to say hello, then (following the moon and seasons) you'll be on your mat for breathwork, gentle Yin Yoga with beautiful sounds.



In the membership area, you'll find all previous recordings, so you can practice with me and your soul family whenever you choose.



The beautiful souls you meet in the live classes will become your new soul family. You can chat any time in the membership area, so you need never feel alone on your journey to bliss again.



Choose a pricing plan


per month
7 Day Free Trial
To see if this weekly class is right for you, I invite you to try one FREE class, with a seven day pass.

To keep falling in love with yourself, you can then join us every week live, have access to all the recordings AND receive extra bonus live meditations and healings.

You can self cancel any time. If you cancel within seven days, you won't be charged.


per year
7 Day Free Trial
To see if this weekly class is right for you, I invite you to try one FREE class, with a seven day pass.

To keep falling in love with yourself, you can then join us every week live, have access to all the recordings AND receive extra bonus live meditations and healings.

To save £65 a year, select this annual subscription, rather than the monthl subscription.

You can self cancel any time. If you cancel within seven days, you won't be charged.