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The Orthodox Word #5

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The Orthodox Word #5
163 St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain by John Mavros
169 The Philokalia
171 Saint John of Kronstadt and the Spiritual Crisis of Russia by I.M. Kontzevich
179 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: The Sixty Priest-Martyrs
181 Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich and the Orthodox Mission to America
182 The True Church of Christ by Archimandrite
Sebastian Dabovich
188 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World
192 New Books

The noble brow of the Holy Mountain of Athos, where for a thousand years Orthodox monks of many nations have furnished numerous shining examples of the Orthodox spiritual life in practice, has itself become a standard and symbol of that spiritual life.
It has become a symbol, too, of faithfulness to the holy canons and traditions of the Orthodox Church. It was here that St. Nicodemos compiled the metaphorical Rudder of the Patristic canons that guide the ship of the Church on its stormy course through this world.
Our own age is a time of self-will and confusion that have spread from modern freethought into the Church of Christ herself, when even Orthodox hierarchs depart from the straight, narrow path of faithfulness to Holy Orthodoxy.
In such a time the spirit of Mt. Athos still speaks to Orthodox believers. To be Orthodox it is not enough to lead a "good" life, trusting to one's own judgement to determine what such a life is; it is not enough, even, to call oneself Orthodox, to believe the whole of Christian doctrine, and to profess fidelity to canonical Orthodoxy – if these are no more than words which one's actions belic.
There are laws of the spiritual life, and laws of religious practice as well as of doctrine. These are not the goals, but they are indispensable means to the goal of the Christian life. It is those who are faithful to these in spirit as well as letter, those who truly follow the guidance of this sure Rudder, who belong to the true Church of Christ, the ark of salvation.
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