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SFR Busy Life Style - 2 x per Week, 12 Week Training Program

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Great results in a fraction of the time. The SFR Busy Life Style Program is here!

In an ideal world we all have 4-6 days per week available to dedicate to some solid training, but for some of us, this isn't a luxury we have available all year round. Perhaps your profession has a busy season, or your days are full of chaos, does that mean you have to give up great results? Absolutely not. 

Busy parent?
Shift work?

Long weeks?
Long days?

Busy seasons?

That's okay! With the proper programming, great results can still be achieved. Hence why I created SFR Busy Life Style, a 2 x per week training program, with an optional third day, designed for the busy person looking to optimize their training time and get great results with the limited time they have available. If you're only going to train 2 x per week, it's essential to maximize these sessions, and engage in a workout that is actually result driven. 

SFR Programs are built around the 6 foundational movement patterns your body needs to thrive and achieve pain-free strength and lean muscle gains. 

SFR Busy Life Style is broken into 3 phases, each 4 weeks long, guaranteed to help you achieve great results, even in the busiest of times. 

No more excuses, and no more poorly executed workouts with the little time you do have available. 
It's time to get Strong, Fit and Resilient, with only 2 workouts per week. 

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