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Before the Wedding

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Marriage is great and a beautiful wedding is something to look forward to. However, there are far too many singles or intending couples who are looking forward to the wedding day much more than they are looking forward to the marriage. When this is the case, important conversations and mutual agreements are often left undiscussed until they are probably too late.

If you are on your way to the altar, you need to remember you are going there to make lifelong commitments with someone you think you already know. If you spend more time having fun and eating out rather than agreeing on how you’re going to live your lives after wedding, you may be in for a serious surprise.


This book, through its chapters, highlights some crucial conversations singles and intending couples should be having before making the final decision to commit to a lifelong relationship with anyone. The red flags in many troubled marriages are easily picked during the courtship or dating phase but they never show up because the more important issues were never discussed.

The purpose of the book is to help make decisions, be sure of what you are walking into and negotiate while it is not to late to walk out. Before the wedding, there are serious conversations you need to be having.
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