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              UNCERTAIN FUTURE
The Triumph or Tragedy of World Civilization


  • eBook length: 120+ pages
  • eBook file format: PDF

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It has been said, to know the future, we must know the past.
Come, gaze into the crystal ball called history and you will see the past, the present, and a questionable, near future of humankind. Uncertain Future, adroitly addresses and offers an answer to the critical, and very personal, question: Will humans be victorious and triumph, or will civilization collapse and our race fall with it?

If you would grace me with just a few moments I will explain to you why Uncertain Future applies directly to you and why taking a look at this book is so important. If you are thinking, 'I don't have the time for this, I don't have time to read a book', no problem; a quick and easy, five-minute summary of all the book’s key points has been prepared for your convenience. Surely, you can spare 5 minutes to learn the answer to the secret of the future of the world.

You, your family and loved ones, your way of life, and all the world are now, at this very moment, confronted with an imminent danger of unprecedented proportion. More than ninety-nine percent of the world is misinformed, if not uninformed, about this danger nearly befallen us (Hint: It is not climate change, the next pandemic, nor some biblical End of Days). You need to understand this impending threat. You need to know what is coming. You are challenged to confront the truth…if you dare.

From the factual, historical evidence presented, you will be able to make an informed, educated judgment call about the current danger confronting the world and decide on a personal course of action.

The thought-provoking journey upon which you will embark will show you where the world has been, where it currently stands, and where it is likely heading. A wake-up call to what is happening to your world, Uncertain Future will open your eyes to the truth.

Beginning in the year 1700, your chronological journey ends in 2022 with the introduction to a global solution that yields great hope for humanity, a plan capable of rescuing our world from the (un)clear and present danger it faces.

Learn the secret of world civilization's future, and, in doing so, the secret of your own future.
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