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We are very pleased to be able to bring you our specially designed 8 hour health affirmation program.
What are Health Affirmations and How Can They Help You?
You Should Incorporate Health Affirmations Into Your Daily Routine.
If you or someone you know are unwell you can benefit from listening to this recording with headphones for 21 nights while sleeping. By doing this you will imprint the idea of health and being healthy into your subconscious mind.
As Doctor Bruce Lipton( Famous author and scientist) says in many of his books and videos.
" To change a program in your subconscious mind ,all you have to do is play a recording of affirmations about what it is you desire, be it health or wealth or anything else it is you want in your life.While listening to the recording while sleeping for 21 nights for best results".
And we are excited to tell you that it really is that simple. Put your headphones on while you sleep and let the realxing music and our specially chosen I AM Affirmations do the work for you.
Many people have had success using this technique and we really hope that our program helps you to get better and gives you a much healthier life.
Here is a link to a short video clip of the Mp3 recording that you will recieve.
Wishing you all a very happy and heathy life.
Royston. Lawsofvibration.
© copyright 2023 Lawsofvibrations.
You will get a MP3 (659MB) file