RECORDING - Homeopathy for Carers of the Elderly
In this 2 part workshop, Rebecca Sturgeon will give you confidence in using Homoeopathy for Carers in use for the Elderly in acute complaints. Build your confidence in using natural alternatives
to drugs. Take care of your loved ones naturally. Homoeopathy is non-toxic, no side effects, environmentally friendly, vibrational medicine which heals naturally. We will cover: Bed Sores, Constipation, Falls, Malnutrition, Urinary Tract Infections, Touching on Dementia, Loneliness and Depression.
Rebecca graduated from the London College of Practical Homeopathy in 1998. Since 2003 she has volunteered her homeopathic services in the South African townships, seeing patients with a wide range of conditions, sometimes as many as 60 patients a day. Since 2016 Rebecca has been mentored by Dr Elvia Bury and together they teach homeopathy to Bishops and Pastors in Africa. She runs an online private practice and practices from Bath Natural Remedies.
Rebecca (rebecca-sturgeon.com) and the PHA Education team would love to hear your thoughts about the workshop. If you would like to share your feedback, please email education@the-pha.org.
Rebecca offers the whole course online, see her website rebecca-sturgeon.com and contact her if you are interested in setting up a workshop with her, anywhere in the world!
If you know anyone that might benefit from the information shared in this workshop, please do share this link as they will be available to view the recording indefinitely: https://payhip.com/b/BIKNV