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Archangel Chakra Clearing & Power Revitalization Meditation Script

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What I have created here is a script, it's 13 pages long in a size 14 font, and 3491 words. I am uploading a PDF as well as a Microsoft Word Document so that if you wish to reduce the font size and style you can.

This can be used by meditation facilitators, spiritual teachers, on retreats, and so much more. I have done some editing with my now clinical and transpersonal hypnotherapist eyes to make it even more effective for you. If you are a hypnotherapist and wish to experience transpersonal work, this is a great way to do it!

If you are a spiritual seeker who simply wants to clear, heal, and develop their psychic abilities you will gain so much from this meditation. A wonderful idea is to record it in your voice, play it from your phone or desktop with headphones on before bed and allow yourself to gently drift to sleep. There are hypnotic suggestions to help you release, remove, and clear your chakras and energy, as well as ground and center.

When I first became a holistic practitioner back in 2011, I quickly developed and opened to Angel Intuition as well. This meditation is a product of that, I spent two days channeling as it was my first time, writing it out, and then recording to mp3. I aired it on the radio show I had back then for spirituality and wellness patrons and it's been well-loved ever since.

If you wish to hear or obtain the original mp3 for free you can receive it via email after joining my newsletter.

For any support, feedback, or more please reach me, I am so grateful to share this with the world and want everyone to have an optimum experience.
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