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Summary of the book (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Complete Text of the Zionist Manuscripts for the Control of the Countries of the World)

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Who controls the countries of the world? How did the Zionist movement begin, how did Palestine become the state of the Jews, what are the Zionist doctrines, and what are the plans of the Zionist movement to seize the reins of world politics?

You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Complete Text of the Zionist Manuscripts for the Control of the Countries of the World)
Author: Oscar Levy

About this book:
In this context, the book narrates the history of the establishment of the Zionist movement and the stages of its formation, and includes an explanation of the agreed plans, which are summarized in the management of means to seize the reins of world politics by seizing the reins of banking, and this is also an explanation of the efforts that ended with the Zionist money changers seizing the reins of the dollar in the American continent and behind it all countries.

Although much controversy has been raised about the book, as some questioned the authenticity of its sources and compared its texts to the texts of some books that preceded its appearance by about forty years, while those who are likely to believe that the authenticity of the documents did not bring anything new other than what was mentioned in the well-known Jewish books, such as the Talmud and the books of the Sunan of the Jews, there is no doubt, as Chesterfield says: "Hidden control exists with or without such protocols."

Who is this book for:

For those interested in the history of the Zionist movement.
For those interested in the plans of the Zionist movement to seize the reins of world politics.
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