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Ever since I started daily practicing self-reflection and other forms of raising self-awareness, I have had enlightening ideas every day, and this is how the material for this book came to existence. I documented each idea that I felt was necessary. This book follows each step of my spiritual journey, which is why you might notice some concepts are repeating in patterns. I have realized that when you explain the same concept in multiple different ways, it gives more people a chance to understand it organically, so they can apply it in practice. As you go through this material, you will have feelings of slowly disentangling yourself from thought patterns that don’t serve you; feelings of rewiring your mind as you initially unlearn a lot of relatively true information that used to be your beliefs, and imprinting thought patterns that can greatly improve the quality of your day-to-day story. The whole experience is going to feel like an upward spiral of raising your self-awareness! The concepts in this book can help you, but only if you choose to practice them daily. I believe that this book is perfect for people that have very busy schedules and just don’t have a lot of free time. Whatever you do: reading a book, working on a certain project, working on improving your health etc, I believe that the feeling of progress is very important! If you only read a single thought from this book every day, you will be making steady progress towards a more conscious and fulfilling way of life. Enjoy!

Check out my website, where you can find my coaching programs, books, before and after photo, social media links and other interesting material:

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