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888 LION’S GATE PORTAL Special Clearings, Activations, & Soul Guidance Transmission Session/Group Offering ~ RECORDING/REPLAY

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This is a VIDEO RECORDING/REPLAY/mp4 recording of 888 LION’S GATE PORTAL 

Special Clearings, Activations, & Soul Guidance Transmission Session/Group Offering. Enjoy this 123-Minutes RECORDING/REPLAY. These sessions are TIMELESS and are super powerful

Soul Medicine!

On Thursday, AUGUST 8th, 2024, during the Peak of the 888 LION’S GATE PORTAL, I was holding a Special, Live GROUP Clearings, Activations, and Soul Guidance Transmission session. 

This session is intended to support you during this time of your Ascension Journey. 

A Cosmic Vortex between the Earth and Sirius - The Lion's Gate Portal - opens up on July 26th, when our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, rises in the morning sky before our physical Sun and marks the start of the New Sacred Galactic Year Spiral. Lion’s Gate Portal lasts until August 12th, with the Peak of the Portal on 8/8, when Earth directly lines up with the Galactic Center, our Sun in Leo aligns with our Spiritual Sun Sirius and Orion's Belt. This is the biggest Energetic Portal of 2024 - the Year of 8 that carries the energetic vibration of Infinity, Personal Power, Renewal, Balance, and Abundance. The Cosmic Alignment 888, the Peak of the Lion's Gate Portal, is like no other! This super charged, Massive Vortex of Energy from Sirius, is unlocking High Vibrational Frequencies of Abundance and Lemurian Codes of Awakening and Ascension, and Activating the Higher Timelines from Within.

Lion's Gate Portal is creating a Major Vortex of the Solar Plexus Energy Healing, and Embodiment of Abundance in 3D physical reality. We are working deep within the Solar Plexus and Root Energy Centers, focusing on the energetics of Abundance, of being the Source of Power and Confidence; releasing what is not in Alignment with our Abundant Highest Path and our Soul Truth. I am sending the Abundance Activations and Solar Plexus Activations and Upgrades for the Abundance, Confidence, Courage, and Power, and for the New Galactic Year of Abundance. We are working deep in the Heart Energy Center, releasing the energies, and energetic cycles and patterns, that no longer serve us, and I am sending Divine Feminine Activations to the Sacral Center and Higher Heart Activations the Heart Center. I am also sending the Sirian and Lemurian Light Codes Activations, Light Body Activations and Upgrades, DNA Activations, 3rd Eye Activations, and more, that came through during the session, into your Energy Field, sharing the Soul Guidance for the Alchemy of Abundance and how to work with your Energy Field, to assist the integration process. 

Who is this session for? This session is for you, if:

- You are Awakened and Conscious individual on the Soul Journey of aligning with your Highest Abundance Timeline and Unlocking your Highest Potential

- You are ready to Quantum Leap to the New Accelerated Timeline of Ascension and next level of your Soul Journey of Divine Prosperity and Abundance 

- You feel called to receive assistance in delving into the deeper layers of your Subconscious, releasing energies at their root causes, and embracing the powerful Activations through the 888 Lion’s Gate, and Soul Guidance, to support you through the current energetics of Accelerated Transformation.

- You would like to receive assistance in aligning with the Energy of the Abundance Flow, releasing the energetic blocks, connected to the Abundance Flow, blocks to Abundance of Energy of Creativity, energies of the limited conscious and subconscious beliefs, especially about energies of Abundance, including the Energy of Money. 

- You would like to receive Abundance Activations, DNA Activations, Higher Heart and Solar Plexus Activations and Upgrades, Sirian and Lemurian Light Codes Activations, and more, that will come through during the session, into your Energy Field 

-You desire to learn the Abundance Alchemy, masterfully work with your Energy Field to manifest powerful, sustainable shifts and changes in your physical reality, and receive Soul Guidance and Support on your Soul Journey.

During Energy Clearings and Activations, I use my own Authentic Multidimensional Healing Arts, which is a unique blend of Shamanic, Quantum, Alchemical, and Light Language healing modalities. Light Language is a channeled language that distributes sound and energy to convey messages to your Heart and Soul. Its purpose is to shift our energy to a higher vibration, to activate the dormant portions of our DNA and to align us with our Soul Mission and True Essence.

Please Note: Payments are not refundable. Not for commercial use, for private use only.


By paying for and scheduling any of my services offered through Tatiana of Divine Energy Works, you are stating and confirming that you have read, accepted and agreed to the following:

- you are 18 years of age or older 

- my Energy Clearing Services are not intended to take place of the professional medical and/or psychological advice

- Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of the energy clearing and activations sessions are your sole personal and legal responsibility and have not been forced upon you

- I am not a licensed medical professional. All the services and information provided by Tatiana of Divine Energy Works is for informational and educational purposes only, is not intended to serve as medical or professional advice, and does not establish any kind of patient-client relationship by your use of my services. When using Energy Clearing and Activations, I am not “diagnosing” or “treating” the physical body which is the domain of the medical field

- any services and information presented by Tatiana of Divine Energy Works is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it intended as a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and service

- you agree to fully release, indemnify, defend and hold forever harmless Tatiana of Divine Energy Works, her heirs, successors, assigns, employees, agents, representatives, consultants and others associated with Tatiana of Divine Energy Works from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, emotional, psychological, financial or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of these services listed above. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

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