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Dandhea Vitective

Delightful and Delicious healing with Natural, Toxin-Free Diet and Care

Dandhea Vitective

You've read  Motherhat and Dandhea Book I

online,but haven't bought any books, and would like to talk about it. If you buy one of the books, for example Dandhea Book V, Treasure Map, which you can find here: , you have free coaching. What that entails depends on what your question is. Maybe you want more details or more explanations on something you have read. Or maybe you have another question about healing through toxin free diet and care which you would like me to research for you. My preferred method of working is writing it out for you, and sending you a link to it, and then I can talk to you about it if you want more information.

Internet guide

The dilemma of researching ways to become and stay healthy is that you have to have done it long before you are ill. But if you are not ill, you don't know what to research, and if you are, you don't feel well enough. Quick searches without enough background knowledge can lead you on the wrong path. I can help you get straight to the latest research and methods to apply it safely.

Any questions?

Ask them here:

What to expect

There are many reasons why you can want some extra guidance in finding information on health.

Usually it will because you or someone you love has a health problem. That is stressful, and in that case you just don't have the time to do all the research needed to get to the best solutions. Or maybe you've done research and want some feedback. Or maybe you want to start researching the best ways to become and stay healthy. and don't know where to start. In all those cases, you've come to the right place.

Choose a pricing plan

Dandhea Vitective One Coaching Session

You've read  Motherhat and Dandhea Book I
online,but haven't bought any books,  and would like to have more information, and you think one talk will be enough. Then this is the plan for you. You get to choose how you wish to communicate: email, what's app, phone, messenger etc etc. There are plenty of ways to communicate for free!

Dandhea Vitective Month

per month
You've read  Motherhat and Dandhea Book I
online,but haven't bought any books,  and would like to talk about it. and have more information, and you think you will want more than one talk but less than 11 a year. You get to choose how you wish to communicate: email, what's app, phone, messenger etc etc. There are plenty of ways to communicate for free!

After 10 months are over, it automatically switches to a year plan and you get the last two months for free. Otherwise you pay more for it than a year plan.

For all the coaching plans, look here.

Dandhea Vitective Year

per year
You've read  Motherhat and Dandhea Book I
online,but haven't bought any books,  and would like to talk about it. and have more information, and you think you will want more than than 20 a year. Then this is the plan for you. You get to choose how you wish to communicate: email, what's app, phone, messenger etc etc. There are plenty of ways to communicate for free!

Dandhea Buddy

Dandhea Buddy is free coaching for those who purchased one or more books from the Dandhea Book I or Motherhat  series. 

The links to the books from the Dandhea Book I series are here.

The links to the books in the Motherhat series are here.

Haven't you bought any of the books?

Check out all coaching options here.

Dandhea is HESP, not PFfFD. What does that mean?

Health Oriented

You'd think it's a no brainer, but mainstream medicine is not health oriented but profit oriented. thus healthy, low or no-cost solutions are ignored and even rejected or changed into high cost, less healthy or even unhealthy alternatives,

Evidence based

Again, you'd think that's the norm, but mainstream medicine is often fluff based: fake concerns, fake science, fake solutions. Dandhea goes for health solutions that have proven to work and can be explained physiologically.

Science Backed

You can reason that something will work, find it works as expected and theorize why it works, and usually be right, but when the science shows the actual metabolic processes and what happens on a cellular level, the evidence is really that a nutrient combats a disease. You would think that should convince everyone , but many fake solutions are finance backed and often it's the money talking, not the science.

Practice Confirmed

Something may work in general, but in order for it to work for you, you need to tweak it to your personal taste. If a certain nutrient is good at combating a certain disease, but you don't like it, you can always find a form in which you do. That's where Dandhea comes in. If you think it's delicious, the happiness hormones kick in , which have tremendous healing powers as well, the opposite is true too. If a therapy is stressful, it will fail for that reason alone. Many horrible therapies are deceitfully pushed.