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$500 in 12 Weeks Challenge!

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Financial worries about how to pay your bills, savings for unexpected emergencies
as well as savings towards vacation, Christmas and retirement. It’s all a juggling
act and sorry, you are tired feeling like an amateur clown at the circus. Try focusing,
creating a budget and a savings goal. Ask yourself, do you have a CRISIS plan?

Every month you look at your bank balance and it's not where you want it to be! low balances, over draft or zero balances! Are you ready for a change! Start our 12 week o $500 savings challenge NOW and STOP the painful cycle of not having any savings!

The challenge starts with just a small investment to yourself of $20! DON'T DELAY! I know that you are ready to make a financial change in your life!

Join our Better Business Bootcamp today to get your business in tip top shape or contact me for 1:1 coaching!

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