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Genre Based Vocabulary and Literacy Companion for Year 4/Grade 3 - Vocabulary Crunch

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A focused approach to building vocabulary and literacy for grade 3 students, one vocabulary list and one genre at a time.

Get ready to explore the world of vocabulary with Vocabulary Crunch, perfect for Grade 3 students.

Vocabulary Crunch provides engaging texts of curriculum and grade-aligned genres, along with vocabulary lists and reading comprehension questions to help students better understand the texts.

With Vocabulary Crunch, students will build their vocabulary and improve their literacy skills.

Start your journey with vocabulary crunch today.


The Clumsy Witch | Narrative

Planets | Information Text

Cleopatra | Biography

Plant Lifecycle | Poetry

The Roman Empire | Information Text

Protecting the Earth| Poetry

Water | Letter

The Fox and the Robin | Fable

Mastermind | Detective Fiction

The Forest | Narrative

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