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Quantum Confidence on Camera Class

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Your ability to hold space for yourself has EVERYTHING to do with being confident on camera.

So, let's look at this.

You want to create content.

So you have yourself, your recording device and your message.

So hit record. Go live. It's easy. Right?

Except it isn't.

And here's why.

You have a mental space that is FULL.

Your brain space doesn't only have your business message in it, it's crowded by the following.

"What will my friends/family/peers think of this video?"
"What will people think about my message?"
"Will anyone show up to my livestream?"
"What will my social media engagement and metrics be like compared to others?"
"When will my content be monetisable?"
"I've gained weight and I would prefer not to be seen right now"

A crowded mind leaks so much power by focusing on in the wrong direction. WHAT's out there and WHO is out there, looking in to assess and judge you.

Your space is too wide. And the amount of things you're holding in it slows you down and causes you to procrastinate getting on camera.

Instead, you need to learn how to be the Guardian of your Space and narrow your space to ONLY include the things that are your true priorities and those things that will propel you forward.

Such as:
"OMG, I love my business and my message so much, I could talk about this for hours!"

That's literally it.

Don't be tempted to complicate this lol.

The love for your message and knowing that what you have to say has the ability to bring in new paradigms and set people free gets you off your butt and to your camera.

It helps you get past your fear of what you look like, sound like.

Now you're energised. You don't even care if people show up to your livestream.

This love motivates you.

It COMPELS you into action.

Tip: Stop EXPECTING anyone to show up to your livestream. Set yourself free from that completely. (Numbers, schnumbers!)

In this Quantum Confidence on Camera class I share 7 practical and spiritual tools to help you get on camera to call in the sales you want on social media.

  • What to do if you don't like how you look and it's stopping you from getting on camera
  • What to do if you stumble over your words or if you say "errr" a lot when you don't know what to say
  • What to do with those Voices of criticism in your head that judge you and distract you.
  • What to do if you replay your recording and you don't like the sound of your voice.
  • What to do if you feel like you're talking AT a camera rather than engaging with anybody human (and it throws you off).
  • What to do if you get on camera and you think you're speaking too fast.
  • How to shift focus so you stop caring what others are thinking of you.
  • Simple ways to combat anxiety on camera and in your life

Download this class now! Enjoy the Holiday Season Sale and download this class for $77 until the 29th December where it will go back up to $97!
You will get a MP4 (613MB) file