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Hilton, Jonathan & Ippolito, Dean - Wojo's Weapons - Winning with White Vol 1,2,3

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Hilton, Jonathan & Ippolito, Dean - Wojo's Weapons - Winning with White Vol. 1

Hilton, Jonathan & Ippolito, Dean - Wojo's Weapons - Winning with White Vol. 2

Hilton, Jonathan & Ippolito, Dean - Wojo's Weapons - Winning with White Vol. 3

The late Aleksander Wojtkiewicz was one of the most feared players in the U.S. tournament circuit. Using his dynamic, Catalan-based opening repertoire, the Polish Magician won hundreds of tournaments before his untimely death in 2006. Now, Wojtkiewicz experts IM Dean Ippolito and NM Jonathan Hilton have joined forces to produce the definitive how-to manual for learning Wojo's repertoire with White after 1.Nf3 d5. Over the course of 75 fully annotated games, the authors make Wojtkiewicz's approach easily accessible to the chess public for the first time. ―Club players looking to master an efficient, safe, and practical White repertoire will benefit from the authors' full explanations of key ideas. ―Titled players will find up-to-date theoretical coverage of all the lines presented, including the authors' own novelties and little-known ideas. ―Experts looking to achieve the master title will benefit most from the thorough treatment of middlegame and endgame ideas. Wojo's Weapons is arranged so that you can quickly get started winning the Wojo.
The Grünfeld is one of the most topical openings in modern chess practice. Many club players fear it, and top GMs often struggle to get an advantage when facing it as White. But is it really a theoretically sound defense? In this third and final volume of the acclaimed Wojo’s Weapons series, IM Dean Ippolito and NM Jonathan Hilton claim to have found a sure route to an advantage against this opening. Building on the repertoire of the late GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, the authors reveal the fruits of a combined 35 years of Grünfeld analysis in the first 200 pages. Hilton, himself a Grünfeld player, admits that Ippolito’s pet variation with the surprising 10.Qc2!? sets Black nearly insolvable problems in the open lines. Much more than a Grünfeld monograph, however, Wojo’s Weapons III provides in-depth coverage of other pesky openings such as the Dutch, the Old Indian, and the Hedgehog, arming you with the knowledge needed to turn the tables on your opponent and take him out of his comfort zone. No matter what openings they play, chessplayers at any skill level can use Ippolito and Hilton’s full-game coverage in Wojo’s Weapons III as a series of practical lessons in strategic chess. This ambitious repertoire project for White, which started with the 2009 release of the first volume of Wojo’s Weapons, is now complete.

IM Dean Ippolito and NM Jonathan Hilton team up again to continue their coverage of the late GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz's winning repertoire with the White pieces, designed to grind down weaker players while challenging his peers. In this second volume, Ippolito and Hilton examine Wojo's handling of the popular King's Indian Defense, focusing on the positional Fianchetto Variation. Over the course of 78 fully annotated complete games, the authors examine Black's various plans, explain the key ideas, offer original analysis, and show the way for White to minimize counterplay and nurse his natural opening edge through to victory.
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