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Dark Feminine Aural Code

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The Dark Feminine is fully connected to her power and unapologetically embodies her truest expression.
She is free of projections. What's important to her is how SHE percieves herself.
She isn't afraid to set boundaries or release what doesn't serve her. The Dark Feminine makes her own rules and isn't confined to anyone else's vision of femininity. She is the creator and the alchemist. 

If these affirmations resonate with you, you're in the right place.

Awaken & embrace your dark feminine energy with our Dark Feminine Activation Aural Code. 

Aural Code (a term created by Candi) is an audio spell imbued with intentions, recorded, channeled, and edited by Candi herself.  Aural Codes can include guided meditations, visualizations, or subliminal audios.
You will get a MP3 (9MB) file