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Fix YO Self!

We meet on Zoom one on one and I play piano over you and ask Ancestors/Ancient Ones what essential oil your body needs. We then discuss it and I also explain everything about the specific essential oil that you need. You will receive your essential oil in the mail no matter where you live in the world.

Fix YO Self Private session


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Kibby P. 🌻.

5 months ago


I enjoyed my FIX YO SELF session with BeverlyB 🌷. I was very impressed and grateful for the guidance that was provided to me. The essential oil that was prepared with love & care by BeverlyB was specially customized to address my challenges at hand. This inspiring medicine harmony session definitely put me on a gentle, relaxed healing path that I truly needed ! I would absolutely recommend this session ! Much Gratitude to the Ancient Ones & BeverlyB for doing such beautiful works! 🌅🌷 Kibby P.🌻

MoNique H.

5 months ago

Clarity and A sense of well-being

Fix YO Self provided guidance for me to have more clarity to understand some of the circumstances I was currently facing in my life. My sense of well-being from the music and essential oils helped me to have an inner peace versus being anxious.

Carol A.

5 months ago

Felt Healing Sounds of REAL LOVE

My Mother Transitioned 7 months ago and I needed HELP. Even though I know the concept of so called "DEATH" is an illusion, I still felt such a sense of loss. I'd been listening to Dr. Mumbi's YT show, when I saw BeverlyB's Ancient Sound Healing promo... I knew I had to connect with her right away! I was such a blubbering mess, during our first session. I couldn't hold back the Sadness I was feeling, being here on Gaia without my Mom. (She had me as a teenager, so she always let my siblings and me know that we could talk to her about ANYTHING. She didn't want us to grow up like she did, feeling certain subjects were off limits). My second session with BeverlyB was even more Healing! The Healing Sounds of "My Song" emanating from the Ancestral Realm was so BEAUTIFUL!!! Again, all I could do was just shed tears. However, these tears were mostly tears of JOY. By the way, the Oils that supplement the "Fix YO Self" sessions are Nurturing/Healing too. I apply them daily before I do my chanting meditation. They have a very nice light consistency. One last thing I'll say before closing. I'd mentioned to BeverlyB that I hadn't seen my Mother while dreaming yet and it was concerning. Well, on so called "NEW YEARS DAY 2024", we had an early morning earthquake here in So Cal. To say the least, it shook me up a bit, so I just went back to bed and fell asleep and dreamed of my Mother! She spoke to me non-verbally, with her EYES. NOTE: My Mother never used to hit us. However, she'd give us one of those Looks and we'd behave ourselves right away! When I dreamed of her, after the earthquake, I knew "EVERYTHING GONNA BE ALRIGHT!" Thanks to BeverlyB for being of Service to Others --- A Portal for Ancestral Sound Healing.

Derricka B.

5 months ago


I love the frequency that comes from the music when Beverly free styles it hits the chakras and opens them. you can feel muscle tension leaving your body. The oil that is given after the session is highly affective in a sense that it helps to realign the energy flowing from your body. It’s best to meditate and use a small amount of as a little goes along way. Don’t expect to be healed overnight but this a great tool to have in your healing modality bank for sure.