Eve SLWC (Term) Convalescing in the Hospital and Crutch Training with Foot Play (HD 1920 X 1080)
(English) Eve is in the recovery room after receiving her cast for a broken leg. She's checking out her exposed toes and waving the plaster cast around to check its weight. her friend comes over to visit and is fascinated by the cast. They speak about the cast and what Eve can expect. Then her friend helps Eve with her first time out of bed and on crutches by adjusting them after her first time out on them in one Dr Scholl sandal so she can try again. she also plays with her toes, cleans the excess plaster off with a damp cloth before leaving. Eve continues to play with her casted toes and waving the cast above her head to see how flexible she will be able to be with such a weight on her leg.
LENGTH: 15 Mins
SIZE: 924 Mb
RESOLUTION: 1920x1080
UPDATE: 10/18/21