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UNHOLY BERRY (p2u base pack nsfw)

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Premiere price 20 usd! Like my previous pack, this one is also on sale for its release for a limited time! Later the value will become 40 USD (like the other pack) 

The premiere price will only be fixed for paying users on my Ptreon

Hello everyone, after this long wait I am happy to finally announce the Unholy femboys version package! I've been working on this for a long time since you really liked my pach unholy cherry foundation (nsfw female pack)! With more than 1,302 views and 71 orders, it is truly one of my most popular bases! So I hope you like UNHOLY BERRY as much as the previous one. 

The package is totally nsfw!

It consists of 9 bases in different positions 

one of them with 2 characters and 3 of them have added a special cape with black leather painted tights!

It is designed to be furry but don't hesitate to change the lines to make it more humanoid! 

Unlike my previous base, this one does not include hair since I think it is something more personalized!

The files are quite light since they do not have many layers so they should be functional for iPad, in case it does not work for you, let me know and together we will find a way to solve it.

All files are in .psd when you download them, make sure you have 1-9 (they are all numbered so you can easily know which one you have forgotten to download!



- My bases can be combined with other of my vases, you can use eye features or accessories from other of my bases to combine them with this one. 

- If you are a minor you are not allowed (obviously) to use or purchase this base, likewise, I do not allow any of my nsfw bases to be used to draw underage characters. 

- A purchase A user can use it. 

You can buy it for other users if you wish or as a gift, as long as the number of purchases equals the number of people to whom you have given it as a gift or the number of users who are using it.

-You are allowed to use it for personal use or extra art. also commissions, as long as it is correctly credited 

- You can tag me as soon as you use it. I love seeing that you work with any of my bases, don't forget to credit correctly. 

- in toyhouse it should be put (base by ayelart) but please do not add it as an artist, since then it appears in my gallery and it is a bit annoying to use th's gallery as an example of art from my commissions.

- You can modify the lines a little by accommodating the characters, no problem, and even change the gender if you want.

You will get the following files:
  • PSD (2MB)
  • PSD (1MB)
  • PSD (3MB)
  • PSD (1MB)
  • PSD (1MB)
  • PSD (2MB)
  • PSD (1MB)
  • PSD (3MB)
  • PSD (7MB)