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Starting and Skyrocketing Your Social Media - Workbook

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Welcome to our social media workbook! In this workbook, you will learn why, who, how, when, and where. 
Is social media really hard? And do you really need it? Trust me, you can master it!

I have worked in digital marketing for about seven years now, and started literally from scratch, learning by myself. After working with different agencies and many clients I decided to help out with some tips, tricks, and templates with fellow marketers. What you will see in this workbook are templates that I've personally used when setting up or updating my client socials. This isn't one of 'everything you need to know about social media', because that would take more than just templates in a workbook. This is more about setting fundamentals, and easing in! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me by sending me an

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