Embarking on a Reiki journey isn’t just about learning an art – it’s about transforming the essence of life.
Dive deep into the world of energy healing with my unique Reiki courses, interwoven with the tranquility of meditation, rooted in tradition, and personalised for you.
Why Choose my Reiki Training?
- Holistic Approach: Unlike conventional Reiki teachings, my courses incorporate meditation guidance. By grounding, preparing, and balancing your energies, you ensure you harness the full power of Reiki.
- Comprehensive Curriculum: The 6-week course encompasses not just the attunement but also the critical 21-day cleansing period post-attunement. This guarantees a profound understanding and experience of Reiki energies.
- Avoid Quick-Fixes: Beware of weekend courses that promise immediate mastery. Simon regularly assists students who, despite certificates from such courses, lack genuine knowledge. Commit to genuine growth.
What is Reiki? Reiki, a universal life-force energy, is accessible to everyone and requires no prior experience.
The First Degree course reconnects you with this divine energy and imparts the guiding principles set by Reiki’s founder. Rooted in spiritual practices but devoid of religious affiliations, Reiki resonates with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Course Offerings:
- Customised Reiki manual in partnership with the Reiki Healing Association.
- Expert meditation guidance and mindfulness strategies.
- Exclusive access to Simon's meditation e-book and Introduction to Breathwork course.
- In-depth exploration of Reiki's history and direct lineage tracing back to its founder, Usui.
- Mastery of ancient attunement processes, hands-on techniques, and intuitive healing skills.
- Emphasis on self-healing practices and aiding loved ones.
Certification: Real-world practice is key. Before certification, evidence of a predetermined number of Reiki sessions is necessary.
Learning Format: While the course is structured for self-paced learning with downloadable resources, Simon ensures personalised guidance throughout your journey. Regular check-ins are designed to clarify, inspire, and keep you on track.
Upon purchase, you'll promptly receive resources via email, followed by an attunement scheduling email from Simon.
Begin your transformative journey with Reiki and let the energies of the universe redefine your life.
Note: While I am here as your guide and teacher, it's essential to remember that the true journey of Reiki and meditation is an individual one. Your dedication, practice, and accountability are the driving forces behind mastering this art. Embrace the journey, and the transformation will follow.
Simon is a specialist holistic therapist and coach with over 30 years of experience. Certified with the CTAA and The Reiki Healing Association, he is also a crystal healer and chakra cleanser, NLP mindfulness practitioner, Meditation and Breathwork Teacher, Solution Focused Therapist, Talk Therapist and has recently begun his BPS accredited Bsc in Psychology and Counselling.