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The Ultimate Guide to Parrots

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The friendship and love of a bird (especially parrots) can create an astounding bond of friendship. Many people know little about this bird and are amazed at the ability of the parrot to actually interact with his human friends.

 Those who have never owned birds will appreciate the overview this book provides about what to expect should you decide to adopt a parrot and enjoy its wondrous company.

 This book is intended to provide you an overview of what’s involved with owning a parrot – before you decide to jump into the car, cruise down to your local pet shop and pluck that bird out of his cage.

 Indeed, a spur of the moment decision to buy any pet is not a good decision - especially true with parrots that often live more than 50 years!

 View this book as the first step in a series of actions to decide whether a parrot is a right pet for your family.

 Learn about the responsibilities bird ownership entails. Consider the following: Do you have time for a bird? Do you have the true desire for one? Are you motivated simply because one member of the family (usually a child) thinks that it would be “cool” to have a bird in the house?

 Once you have a better idea about exactly what living with a feathered creature involves, you can begin to decide if you’re cut out to be the owner – and more importantly – a friend of a parrot.

Reading the entire book should be helpful in helping you determine whether owning a parrot is right for you.

The Ultimate Parrot Handbook covers all of this, and a lot more.

And when you read it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY with how simple it really is to care for parrots.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover...

  • A complete guide to the parrot cage and how to easily maintain a healthy environment.
  • The 5 things you must do before placing your parrot in his new home.
  • What to feed your parrot – and what not to give him! There is a ton of inaccurate info out there. I'll tell you the truth so you never have to wonder again!
  • How to care for a single parrot and more than one!
  • Why your parrot is squawking at you! You may be surprised to learn the answer to this.
  • How to choose a healthy parrot from the store -- there are little known things to look for that the pet store owner's don't want you to know!
  • The surefire signs of parrot illness that will tell you if your parrot needs medical attention.
  • An entire chapter devoted to parrot illnesses and cures. Your parrot has the potential to completely recover from an illness, but it's not how you think. I'll show you the truth about curing your parrot.
  • What species of parrots are more likely to learn to talk than others.
  • A complete guide to all the accessories your parrot needs to be happy in his new home.
  • A complete parrot first aid kit. This is an important one! The supplies in this kit just may save your parrot’s life!
  • Where you should never place your parrot cage in your house. Put it here and it just might kill him!
  • What to do if your parrot does get sick. There are several very important steps on caring for a sick parrot before you have the chance to take him to the vet.
  • Just how many species you have to choose from in the parrot world. Probably a lot more than you think.
  • The one location you should never place your parrot’s cage. Put his home here and you’re nearly guaranteeing that he’ll develop emotional and physical problems.
  • A crash course on parrot behavior. Knowing what’s normal and healthy behavior – and what’s not! – can help you provide the best possible care for your parrot.
  • All about feeding your parrot, including tips on varying his diet to make sure his intestinal tract stays healthy.
  • What to do if your parrot won't eat.
  • Why sleep is important to your parrot’s health. And how much sleep he needs. (This will surprise you!)
  • How to easily and effortless teach your parrot to talk.
  • An entire chapter devoted to adopting the perfect parrot -- step-by-step instructions from start to finish.
  • How to prepare food for your parrot. This one is easy, and it's a ton of fun to watch him eat it!
  • Why your parrot is obsessed with plucking his feathers. It’s more than just an annoying habit, it’s the sign of a deeper problem.
  • What toys to buy your parrot – and what not to. Did you know that some toys may actually harm him?
  • What time of the day is best to teach him to teach – as well as to teach him other commands. Yes, it really does make a difference.
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