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You Are Stronger Than Your Struggle Ebook & Audio Empowerment Training

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Many breakthroughs come from simply believing a new idea has validity. Admitting the existence of a new possibility sets in motion the probability that you could perceive and approach your situation from a more empowering perspective.

In the Art of Possibility, Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander write, “...many of the circumstances that seem to block us in our daily lives may only appear to do so based on a framework of assumptions we carry with us. Every story you tell yourself is based on a network of assumptions.” The Zanders point out, “Draw a different frame around the same set of circumstances and new pathways come into view.”

When you begin to examine and challenge limiting assumptions about yourself and your experience – you open yourself up to experience new possibilities.

Regardless of what has happened or is happening in your life, you have the power to say this is NOT how the story of my life is going to end. You have the power to choose if you will allow your past to continue to define your present and future.

You have the power to choose if you will allow a temporary condition to become a permanent state of powerlessness. You have the power to choose if you will settle for what is or rise up and decide that you will pursue what can be. You have the power to choose if you will continue to deny your truth or face it head-on with unwavering faith that you will prevail in the face of your truth. My friend, YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR STRUGGLE!

This ebook and audio training helps you to reconnect to the truth of your power, potential, and possibility in order for you to value everything you have and begin to work it to your advantage in life.

This eBook and training will empower you to "see" yourself and your situation from a more empowering perspective which will help you to shift your perspective and embrace the possibility of new possibilities in your life as you embark on the journey of reclaiming your power and becoming the hero of your story

The You Are Stronger Than Your Struggle eBook Is 32 pages.

The Audio Lessons In this Training Include:

Intro to You Are Stronger Than Your Struggle
Lesson One: The Power of Your Perception
Lesson Two: The Power of Acceptance
Lesson Three: Leveling Up Your Inner Game
Lesson Four: Tending to Your Emotional Needs
Lesson Five: Stalking the Divine
Lesson Six: The Practice of Courage
Lesson Seven: You Are Enough
Lesson Eight: A Word On-Resistance
Lesson Nine: Building Emotional Resilience
Lesson Ten: Strengthening Your Resolve
Lesson Eleven: From Surviving to Thriving

This training will empower you to frame your situation from a more empowering perspective and take aligned action to create positive changes in your life. 

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  • ZIP (97MB)
  • PDF (164KB)
  • PDF (302KB)