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Meditation: Root Centre Manifestation

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The root centre in Human Design is deeply connected to our fundamental life force energy and power to manifest our desires in the physical world. When the root is defined, it provides a grounded source of personal power that can be harnessed for manifestation work. Bringing awareness to this centre through meditation or visualisation can help amplify your core vibration and increase your ability to attract what you want to manifest. An open or undefined root may require more conscious work to feel rooted and empowered in your manifestation intentions. Overall, the root serves as the foundation from which you broadcast your deepest needs and desires out into the universe to become materialised experiences. Join me in this manifestation meditation and use the power of your root centre, whether it's defined or undefined, to help manifest - make real! - your desires and your ideal life.

You will receive an .mp3 file of your 7 minute meditation.

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