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Sweet Beginnings, Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

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A little hope changes everything...

Artist Hope Ryan dreams of seeing her artwork displayed in top galleriesagain, but a devastating betrayal left her unable to paint as she once did.Instead, she settles for creating unique items for tourists and wedding couplesin her hometown. Although Hope longs for more, she refuses to venture outsideher comfort zone, fearing the heartbreak and disappointment of failing again.
Highly paid sportscaster Josh Cooper never overcame his bitterness afteran injury on the football field sidelined him for good. Finding his solace inalcohol and women only made matters worse until he finally hit rock bottom.Now, he's looking for redemption. When he's asked to fly a wedding gown acrossthe country for one of the victims of his wrongs, he doesn't hesitate.
Arriving in Indigo Bay, Josh finds himself captivated by the artistcreating the wedding favors. He knows exactly what he wants--Hope--even thoughshe deserves someone better. Can Josh prove he's more than a broken has-been?Or will he not only lose Hope but also lose himself?

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