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A Beautiful Life Clear Vision Life Optimization WORKSHOP

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A Beautiful Life Clear Vision WORKSHOP

Are you having difficulty getting clear on what it is you want to do with your life? Have you not discovered what is your purpose? Any idea what direction to go? Have you fallen into a perpetual cycle of starting and stopping only to repeat the same things over again?

If this is you, you may have what is called, a "Renaissance Soul". This just means you have a lot to offer creatively but may need help to get your creative life in order.

When we're asked a question, it causes us to think. While we contemplate the answer, eventually a light goes off in our head and our vision becomes clearer. It is referred to as the, "Ah ha!" moment. Imagine if we did this on a regular basis.

What better way to get clear on your vision, goals and plan for what you want to achieve in life, than to literally question it? Answering this specific list of potentially life changing questions will reveal what you need to do to move forward, fulfill your vision and achieve your goals.

Imagining things is great but sometimes you have to get concrete about what it is you want to achieve and then take action.

A Beautiful Life Clear Vision WORKSHOP asks 50 uniquely designed questions to help you get clear on your vision, goal, and plan for LIFE OPTIMIZATION!

Attending outside workshops can be expensive with travel and lodging. We're talking in the thousands! With A Beautiful Life Workshop you get to participate in this digital workshop at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home and at an affordable price! Would it not make sense to download the workshop and take your life in a new direction? What would be the next best step?

Transformation is difficult when you don't know what you don't know.


"Change your thinking, change your life!" ~ The Late Dr. Wayne Dyer

Brenda is an Independent Publisher, Thought Leader and Novelist as a hobby, and Ghostwriter for Hire, who believes that experience is the best teacher, but also believes people must crawl before they can walk. That said, Foster provides digital workshop tools so that you can get clear on what it is you want to do with your life. Having a clear vision is a good first step.

Connect with Brenda Foster in her Facebook Group: Big Chair Publishing

~ Author 

~Ghostwriter for Hire

 DISCLAIMER: For information purposes only!

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