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Short Sweet Stories @0.50$

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This e-book has a collection of short stories put together to entertain the mind of the reader. Here is the synopsis of one of the stories in the book;


One year after campus I found myself between a rock and a hard place. I was on the quest to prove myself a grown man to my parents and the society at large. I remember refusing to take handouts from my dad just to prove a point to him. 

Due to this I decided to leave my father's home in Taita Taveta and went to Mombasa in pursuit of greener pastures. On the day I was leaving I remember my mum asking me,

"son are you sure you'll find a job there? You don't have to leave, wait for your father to receive his dividends so that he can bribe one senior officer in the government and you'll get employed."

"Mum! Bribing is a sin," I shouted, "nonetheless mother, jobs are plenty in the city." I concluded with a tone of finality.

My parents had nothing left to say so they gave me their blessings and we parted ways. Little did I know that just like one negro sung, "grass ain't greener on the other side." 

When I arrived in the lovely coastal city, I was pregnant with expectations of...

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