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ELITE GENETICS (Myostatin inhibition + Follistation boost) - Premium Muscle Growth Field

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Congratulations, you have found premium muscle growth field designed for those who would like to take their gym life to the next level. I bet all of you always dreamed of being able to build huge amount of muscles without taking anabolics. Well, this is what this field makes possible.

Myostatin (growth and differentiation factor-8) is a protein secreted in skeletal muscles and bones that limits the growth of muscles. Its inhibition leads to rapidly increased muscle mass, bone mass and strenght due to directed activation of Myosatellite cells.

Follistatin (activin-binding protein) is a protein that blocks the action of many different proteins and hormones such as activins, myostatin, GDF-11. Increase of follistatin has abillity to decrease myostatin, increase muscle mass, increase sperm production and health, increase hair growth on scalp, decrease risk of getting cancer.

These high technology morphic fields works on deep energetical level to increase follistatin and decrease myostatin in your body. Resulting in ELITE GENETICS!

You may experience muscle pain next day after training, don’t worry, it is effect from involving more muscle fibers during training session.

Enyoy and expect huge gains!

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