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6 Ways to Protect Your Privacy When Selling Digital Products

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The internet is a good marketplace for both buyers and sellers alike. As a result, you can easily open an online store and sell your products across the globe. With over two-thirds of the world's population using mobile devices, you can connect with your customers from where they are. However, even as the Internet avails business opportunities, it has been an avenue for cybercrime to thrive. As a seller, you need to be cautious and exercise vigilance while doing business online. 

If you own a healthcare facility, it would be easy for your clients to provide their details without hesitation. However, you need to make it your responsibility to ensure the privacy of their personal information is maintained. One way of accomplishing this is by implementing HIPAA compliance on your website. Besides healthcare services, there are other products and services that you can sell digitally. 

As a business owner, it’s prudent for you to guard your privacy online. To help you out, here are some strategies that can help you in your quest for privacy while marketing your digital products:

Avoid Using Your Private Data On Social Media Profiles

Since anyone can access the information on your profile, avoid filling in information such as an email address, phone number, or financial-related details. Your date of birth should be kept private from the social media community. Social media spies will first read a victim's profile to see if they can retrieve the information they need. Apart from avoiding sharing your information on social media, you can go to the settings option and hide your profile from the public. 

Use Password Security

You may consider instituting a password policy on your PC, desktop, or other mobile devices when they boot up. Essentially, the target might not be the people around you, but in situations when the gadgets are stolen. This protects a thief from accessing any valuable information you have stored in your gadget. 

Furthermore, you can install software that helps you remotely access your device if stolen so you can trace it. Remote access can help you lock the gadget or clean any information that an intruder may find inside. 

Install Antivirus Software On Gadgets

Antivirus software is crucial in protecting you from online malware attacks such as ransomware. Additionally, they can help you detect insecure websites and alert you. You can also use an antivirus to scan documents before downloading them to ensure that you don't download a virus that destroys your information or allows a hacker to access your computer. After installing antivirus software on your devices, you should also update it for the latest patches against modern viruses. There are several kinds of antivirus programs available, so identify your security needs first before purchasing one. 

Turn On Private Browsing

If you don't want anyone to know your internet browsing location, it’s advisable to enable the 'private browsing' option in the setting of a web browser. Once activated, it removes all temporary internet files, cookies, and browsing history. 

Online marketing companies can easily use datamining to learn what you regularly purchase, your frequent site visits, social media friends, and what you like, among other information. Once they have collected this data, they can use it for targeted ad marketing to lure you into buying a product. 

Some of the ads that appear on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ have embedded code that helps them to see your preferences, demographic information, and visits. They can easily spy on you even if you're not logged on to their website. 

In addition, you can surf the internet in private through a virtual private network (VPN), using a web proxy, or using a free network that routes your data through multiple servers before reaching the destination. 

Don't Reveal Your Zip Code

When you're paying for products using a credit card, avoid giving your zip code even when an online store asks for it while leaving their website. Your zip code can be matched with your name when retrieved from your credit card to mine for more information such as phone number or email address. 

Look for Encryption

Encryption when making online transactions is essential. Before you sell or buy from a website, look for the indicators that show the website is encrypted. First, ensure that the website is encrypted with a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate at the end of HTTP on the URL bar. Moreover, a secure page will show a lock at the right side of the URL bar or the bottom-left section of the browser window. 


Digital theft is on the rise and is a threat to both individuals and businesses alike. It's imperative for you to be on the lookout not to fall prey to the many scams online. 
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