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Study Skills

Approaches to learning for success in formal and informal education throughout one's life.

Why this Course?

In school you are expected to learn a lot of stuff in half-a-dozen or more subjects. In life in general, an awful lot more.

But how much have you learnt about “how to learn”?

How good are your “study skills”?

Could you achieve greater success in your studies and life with less stress and effort by using a more effective and efficient approach to learning?

The aim of this course is to help you to do just that. Achieve greater success with less stress.

Why is it important to have good study skills?

In today’s world, knowledge is power. In an ever faster changing world the ability to access and understand information is increasingly important in all spheres of life.

For students, having strong study skills is essential for success in school. Study skills help students to learn more effectively, remember information more easily, and cope with the challenges of exams and assignments.

Employees with good study skills can digest complex reports, remember key details, and solve problems more efficiently in the workplace.

In short, study skills are essential for achieving success in any field.

While some people may be naturally gifted with strong study skills, anyone can improve their ability to learn and retain information by developing a few simple techniques.

For example:

  • Keeping a well-organized notebook can help you track what you have learned in each class.
  • Reviewing your notes regularly will also reinforce the information in your memory.
  • Taking practice quizzes can help you gauge your understanding of the material and identify any areas that need improvement.

And a whole lot more.

The diagnostic tool included in this course contains around 200 questions to help point you in the right direction to make further improvements in your studies.

Developing strong study skills will give you a valuable tool for success throughout your life.

Purchase course for €40

40 euro


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