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ACTion Takers

A 3 week course using the principles of ACT to take values based action towards an impactful people practice


Monday 21st January 2025

Monday 28th January 2025

Monday 4th February 2025

Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Are you a coach or consultant who...

  • has heard about the ACT model and is curious about you might apply it to your coaching practice?
  • wants to learn techniques to overcome self-doubt, imposter thoughts and procrastination so that you can get out there and make the impact your clients need?
  • is open to learning techniques to keep you centred in a coaching session and be fully present for your clients, thus creating more impactful coaching sessions?
  • is interested about how you can turn your all-important values into tangible, behavioural outcomes?

The ACT model is essentially an experiential, skills-based framework. In order to use it effectively with our clients, we need to have practiced the techniques ourselves! This 3 week container gives you the opportunity to do just that. Part group coaching, part skills development, I'll give you a wealth of practical information to use fundamental ACT techniques for yourself, your business and your clients.

What is ACT all about?

As a business owner and coach, the importance of looking after your own psychological health cannot be overstated. Indeed, psychological well-being is one of the most important factors in performance, and so if you want to create an impactful coaching practice, it's vitally important that you look after own well-being first.

A growing body of evidence shows that Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) is a very effective technique for learning new behaviours that support psychological well-being in the workplace and beyond. Based on the framework of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which had great success in clinical populations, the techniques taught in ACC focus on mindfulness and acceptance, and committed, values-based action to help people make meaningful change in their lives.

Acceptance and Commitment Coaching is based on the premise that difficult thoughts and emotions are simply part of the human experience. If we can learn skills to accept, make room for, and move through them, and take action towards what is important to us, we can move through feelings of distress, indecision and stagnancy.

What will we be covering?

Week 1: The Foundations

During our first week together we'll be exploring the theory that sits behind the ACT model. We'll be looking into the key components of the framework, and how evolutionary psychology and neuroscience inform the ACT practitioner mindset. We'll also be going through some exercises which explore what YOUR personal values look like in action.

Week 2: Untangling from internal barriers to values based action

Our second week will explore some of the stories YOU tell yourself that prevent you from taking action. We'll go through several techniques that will help you 'unhook' from challenging thoughts and feelings to take action towards the person you want to be and the life you want to live

WEEK 3: Consolidating mindfulness and values-based action skills

If the idea of mindfulness makes you shudder, don't worry! Within the ACT framework mindfulness is extremely practical and DOES NOT require hours (or even minutes!) of mediation. We'll learn techniques for grounding and centring which allow us to find the moment where we can chose what happen next in a challenging situation. Once we've learned these techniques, we'll bring together everything we've learned so far into a practical action plan to help you and your clients thrive!

There will be an accompanying workbook and exercises for you to try out on yourself and your clients between our sessions. Expect plenty of interaction, experiential learning and FUN!


Sign up now and get:

  • Immediate access to my 'ACT for Imposter Syndrome' self-led workshop (usually £18.50)
  • A recording of an ACT coaching session in practice
  • A 1.5 ACT-focused coaching session with me! (Usually £180)

Pay in Full


Want to find out more about ACT before signing up?

Check out my FREE Introduction to ACT to learn more about this fantastic framework

Hi, I'm Isabelle

I cannot wait to introduce you to the fascinating and empowering world of ACT!

I am a psychologist and professional development coach with a data-driven, evidence-based approach. I'm all about leveraging behavioural science to facilitate meaningful, values driven change for the people I work with.

I've undertaken hours of training on the ACT framework, use it with great success with my clients, AND use its principles daily on myself, to help me maintain a psychologically healthy and values-driven mindset, as well as navigate challenging situations.

I have two Psychology degrees (BSc, MSc), am working towards chartered status as a Coaching Psychologist with the British Psychological Society, a professional coaching diploma, with accreditation (ACC) and I've also worked in clinical science for over twenty years. So you can expect a well-researched, rigorous approach to my training and development programs!

I aim to make training fun, engaging and full of thought provoking discussion! I can't wait to support you as you equip yourself with a varied toolbox of psychological skills to support your psychological health and business performance by learning how to take meaningful ACTion towards the life you want and the coach you want to be.

Sign me Up!

Pay in Full


Testimonials from previous participants

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"I think this should be a mandatory module in a coaching programme. Very tangible concepts and practical skills"

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"Isabelle combines her extensive knowledge, empathy and passion for the subject in delivering the workshop in a professional and engaging way. Her careful practical explanations and examples, with excellent resources provided before the sessions, provide an excellent framework for the course."

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Isabelle's attention to detail, wealth of knowledge and ability to apply theory to practice are impressive. She manages to weave examples, personal experience, evidence-based research and practical strategies effortlessly into her training and responses to questions. The small group setting is a safe and supportive professional space for like-minded and curious coaches. Different experiences and reactions are held and respected.

Got questions?

If you'd like more information about this course, have questions, or want to explore alternative dates (I may run a concurrent cohort if there is sufficient demand!) please do get in touch at