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Signature Business Branding Framework

Your guide to building a heart-centered brand that really MATTERS to people and helps your biz GROW!

Are you ready to...

Lay an unbreakable foundation for your brand that answers the most critical questions about your purpose, audience, identity, and message.  

Long gone are the days when products and services sold themselves. Nowadays, consumers aren't just looking to buy from you; they are directly buying into you and looking for ways to connect with your brand's story.

The cold, hard truth is that a pretty logo may give your business visual appeal, but if you aren't crystal clear about the WHY behind your brand, WHO you serve, HOW you're going to do it, and WHAT you are saying, no one will care.

The Brand-o-graphy: Business Branding Framework is the ultimate blueprint for small business owners and entrepreneurs to get to the core of their brand essence!

Join Desiree’ “Desi” Slaughter as she guides you and shares the tools required to move and inspire your customers or future employers with a clear, concise, and engaging brand story. 

This course will guide you through a series of fun but intense exercises designed to define your business’s brand and bring clarity to your purpose, identity, message, and strategy going forward. You’ll learn to transcend “brand fog” – vague positioning and generic messaging – and unlock the power of your brand story by getting familiar with the soul of your brand.

Save Up To $45, Purchase the Master Course!!!

Our signature self-paced, master course allows you to dive deeply into your brand and answer the critical questions about your brand's concept, purpose, persona, message, and strategy to bring clarity to all you do.

What Is A Brand Strategy Framework...

And why do I need it?

Put simply, a Brand-o-graphy serves as a North Star, which defines what the brand stands for, and acts as a guide to ensure all touch-points with the market build on the brand.

This course will guide you through a series of fun but intense exercises designed to define your business's brand and bring clarity to your purpose, identity, message, and strategy going forward. You'll learn to transcend "brand fog" – vague positioning and generic messaging – and unlock the power of your brand story by getting familiar with the soul of your brand.

After completing the course, you will be able to confidently demonstrate to your ideal consumers and the world exactly who you are and what makes you worth their time and money. Not only that, you will leave with a complete profile on your brand that includes everything you'd need to market it, influence customers, inspire supporters, and much more!

This Course is For You If…

  • You are a small business owner or entrepreneur ready to invest in and get laser-focused with your brand
  • You have a hard time communicating what makes your brand unique and what it has to offer to the world
  • You want to up-level or create your brand but aren't sure of exactly where to start
  • You feel like your brand is 'all over the place', and you want to get focused and clear on what's going to help your business grow
  • You want to rebrand your current business or create a new brand identity but don't have a solid foundation to begin working with a designer
  • You know you need a strategy for your brand, but you just haven't taken the time to learn how to do it the right way
  • You're not sure if the marketing efforts you've done for your brand thus far has been effective
  • You aren't attracting customers/clients that are the right fit or who have been wasting your time, and you're ready to connect with your dream customers/clients

What’s Covered in the Course?

This course is made up of 6 modules broken down into mini, bite-sized exercises and activities to help you build your Brand-o-graphy from the ground up.

It may look like quite a bit to do (I’m not gonna lie, it is definitely extensive); however, each piece that you complete will help you to complete the following task, and so on and so forth. So, the idea is to work your way through each step sequentially to reach the end with all of your pieces fully build out and functional. 

Take a look at the overview of the main elements that are included in the course below.

Whew — still with us?

We know this might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but the key is to take it slow and don’t rush yourself. It’s much better that you follow the process from top to bottom and end this course with a remarkable brand rather than starting over a few months down the line due to a change of heart, brand fog, or error.

Investment details

  • Purchase the course individually for a one-time investment.
  • Need some extra support as you complete the course? I’ve got you! Individual, Done-With-You workshops are available upon request. Investment starting at only $375 for a 4-hour session. 
  • Working with a team? Group rates are available upon inquiry. Reach out with your needs, and we’ll put together a package that works for your team.

Choose a pricing plan

One-Time Purchase


Split into 2 payments

per month for 2 months