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We provide comprehensive corporate and individual tax services to help clients navigate the complexities of taxation with ease and confidence, whether it be for planning purposes or to address existing issues.


We assist you to navigate the complex world of taxation with ease and confidence, be it it's for planning purposes or you have already fallen foul of the regulations

We provide comprehensive corporate and individual tax services to help clients navigate the complexities of taxation with ease and confidence. Our tax professionals have extensive expertise in areas such as tax planning, compliance, dispute resolution, representation before tax authorities, and tax audits, and we strive to ensure our clients have the best tax solutions available. Whether it be for planning purposes or to address existing issues, our team of experienced tax professionals is here to provide the advice and assistance you need. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your tax-related needs.


I head a group of professionals and together we provide a comprehensive range of corporate and individual tax services to help our clients navigate the complexities of taxation with ease and confidence.

Our services range from tax planning and compliance to dispute resolution, and our expert team of tax professionals is here to ensure that your tax needs are met.

We provide advice and assistance on all aspects of taxation, including individual income tax, corporate income tax, capital gains tax, VAT and use tax, payroll tax, estate and gift tax, and other taxes.

In addition, we can provide advice on the tax implications of business transactions, investments, and international tax issues.

We also have the expertise to provide representation before tax authorities and to assist with tax audits.

We strive to ensure that our clients have the best tax solutions available.

Take the hassle out of taxes with our comprehensive corporate and individual tax services. Our experienced tax professionals can help you navigate the complexities of taxation with ease and confidence, providing advice and assistance on all aspects of taxation, including individual income tax, corporate income tax, capital gains tax, VAT and use tax, payroll tax, estate and gift tax, and other taxes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get your taxes off your “to-do” list.

Taking TAXES off your "to do" list

Non-compliance with your taxes can have serious financial ramifications in the form of hefty penalties from the tax authorities. And, importantly, ignorance is not a valid defense for tax evasion. Updating your taxes is as important, if not more-so, as having insurance, since penalties for tax non-compliance often are financially ruinous. We assist you calculate and file your returns as well as maintain your records.

Equally as important as filing your returns is "tax planning." This is simply utilising tax strategies and taking advantage of available tax incentives to legally minimise tax exposure.

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"If you need assistance with your tax query... contact us"


use the form below and TALK TO US...

(please quote your consultation fee invoice number)

Frequently Asked Questions

What jurisdictions do you cover?

We have offices in Dubai UAE, Johannesburg SA, London UK, Port Louis MU, and in Sydney AU. For queries outside these we work with agents registered in those areas. Please contact us for more information.

Are you registered?

We have experience working on tax matters (and have staff who have worked for tax authorities), but we are yet to register in all and every jurisdiction we cover. In the mean time, we do the actual work and, if needs be, we have registered agents in each area to legally represent you.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've paid your consultation fee and have submitted your query form we typically get back to you within the day. We will give you next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

What does the consultation fee cover?

Typically, the fee covers the time and expertise of the consultant for advise on how to proceed with, or rectify, your query. If you decide to retain us to do the work ,a separate fee will be levied. This new fee, depending on the services requested, will cover things such as research, analysis, and preparation of documents.

Can I contract you on retainer basis?

Indeed! We offer retainer services for clients who require ongoing tax consulting services. This incorporates tax advice and planning, compliance and dispute resolution, and representation before tax authorities.

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