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Post Jab Protocol + Detox Bundle

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This is the EXACT PROTOCOL you need to follow if you have Already RECIEVED the JAB or know that you will NEED to in the near future due to your state or employment mandates!

This will detail:
-Types of Fasting Protocols
-Which Herbs
-Which Vitamins
-Which Minerals
-What to Avoid
-Complete Food List
-Complete List of Foods to Avoid

BONUS: If you or someone you know currently has "THE VIRUS" FULL PROTOCOL of what to do to get rid of it and stay safe!

This Also includes my 30day Detox & Reset Program!
This is the ultimate guide to cleanse your body of toxins and prepare your body for natural healing! Cleanse your:
-Lymphatic System
-and More!

You will be guided on:

-exactly what herbs to take
-how to make them
-where to get them
-along with why they are benefitial to detox your body!
-Food List to make sure you're cleansing your body
-Fasting Protocol to Speed up the results and allow your cells to heal

This will provide you with a complete list of alkaline foods to eat during this detox. If we continue to eat the foods that are causing issues in our body we will never be able to heal! 

I will also guide you on exactly how to fast, when to fast, and when a fast is needed. Fasting can be a great benefit to detoxing your body along with healing any illnesses, stomach issues, inflammation, etc. you may be suffer from.

I have had THOUSANDS of dramatic testiomonials from the Detox program!
You will get the following files:
  • PDF (198KB)
  • DOCX (25KB)