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Are you ready to design your ideal classroom?!

Every space we are in is designed by humans. (Except for some outdoor spaces) You are always experiencing someone's design. Someone has made choices. The color of walls, the size of rooms, the arrangement of objects within a room: The fast food restaurant, the hotel lobby, the city parks…they are all designed with the consumer in mind and what the steward of that space wants the consumer to experience.

Come and learn how to design your classroom to maximize the experience of your students.

In just a short thirty minutes you will be on your way to a beautiful, purposeful, and inspiring classroom.

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What's included?

Montessori and Design Theory

Learn how to use basic design principles along with Montessori theory to design an optimized classroom.

Downloadable PDF Booklet

Download your own step-by-step guide to creating the environment you want.

Access to Research

This course offers links to get you to the research Sarah references and more information to support the design of your classroom.