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"Pins and Profits" Coaching

Helping you reach your goals, one pin at a time.

Why Pinterest?

Pinterest isn't just a platform for saving recipes and DIY projects; it's a dynamic visual search engine with over 400 million monthly active users, making it a goldmine for businesses of all sizes. With its highly engaged user base and focus on visual discovery, Pinterest offers unparalleled opportunities for you to showcase your brand, products, talent, and platforms.

About Me

Hello there! My name is Amaya Carthan, and I am a passionate public health professional dedicated to promoting health and wellness through effective communication. With a background in public health, a love for creative expression, and an enthusiasts for natural living, I started my Pinterest account to merge these passions.

In a world full of negativity, I made it my mission to create content that positively impacts and empowers others. Pinterest is the perfect platform for this, offering a visual and inspirational way to share tips, resources, and motivation.

I started taking Pinterest seriously in 2022, and my account has grown tremendously since then, amassing over 2 million monthly views to date. Pinterest allowed me to grow my online business and my social media platforms. With the knowledge I've learned and ability to market strategically, I want to help others grow their business and achieve their greatest desires.

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