Unity/VRChat - Phawksea's Fire Hands Particles
Flame Particles for your hands, perfect to dance or burn your friends with!
Requires VRCFury in your project.
I include a quick setup tutorial for those without a lot of experience in Unity.
- 4 Materials(2 per hand)
- 500 Particles total
V2 Uploaded! has few more particles but looks nicer- included in the package so you can pick or get both!
-Refunds are not available, as it is a digital product and cannot be returned.
-Do not redistribute, leak or trade my assets in ANY WAY. This includes any 3rd party sites, forums, sharing websites, leaker sites, discord servers, sharing with friends etc.
-You may NOT use for Public Avatars
-Do not resell as a standalone product, only on finished avatars.(Nitro/freebies are fine)
-Personal License - You may use the package on your private avatars that don't directly generate revenue.
-Commercial License-You're free to use the package on paid vrchat avatars. You must credit me in the description of the avatar.
If you have any questions or want updates on future stuff- this is my discord: https://discord.gg/rvy2PntXEx