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Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God

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I wrote this book because for many years I studied the Bible incorrectly, and it
produced death rather than life. The Bible calls this the ministry of death, rather
than the ministry of righteousness (2 Cor. 3:6-9). I came out of Bible College
just like the Apostle Paul, attacking those who disagreed with my theology.
Once I learned to hear God’s voice, I let God lead me to Scriptures, and I let
God reveal Scriptures to my heart, and I experienced what the disciples
experienced, my heart burning within as Jesus opened up Scriptures for me (Lk.
24:32). Verses were leaping off the page, revelation was flashing, and I
discovered this could happen every single day, every time I opened the Bible, or
any book for that matter. God knows a lot about a lot of topics and He is able to
grant revelation in every area I read, if I approach the book with the proper heart
attitude. Wow! What an insight. Now you can receive revelation knowledge in
each and every area, all the time, simply by allowing the Holy Spirit to be part of
the learning process.
So now I want to teach you this process. I want verses leaping off the page
every time you read the Bible or any other book. So read on and discover how to
posture your heart and mind properly so this wonderful miracle of divine
encounter happens for you every single day for the rest of your life
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