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We Asked, "Why Not?"

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In the summer of 1968 two young men with no political experience set out to tell anyone who would listen about their issues with the Vietnam War.

Because they didn’t know what they couldn’t do, eight weeks later they were delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on the Georgia Challenge Delegation, working closely with Julian Bond, John Lewis, Fannie Lou Hamer, and many other national figures.

Theirs is a classic coming-of-age story, driven by an improbable campaign to upend a closed political system, and to open the democratic process to everyone who wanted to participate.

This firsthand account of their implausible success, written immediately after the events, will enlighten and hopefully encourage you to get involved when you see any wrong that needs to be corrected, no matter the odds at the outset, and no matter your age or background.

Some people do dream dreams, and ask, “Why not?”

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