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Russian Watch...M.A.D.D.

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Russian Watch
Chapter 6: M.A.D.D.

Noid told George I had a bag of cocaine and weed. I told George, "Search my house and drug test me." I had a bag laying out, but I knew he would say, "No." Noid pulled his gun and threatened to shoot Saline. He said; "Ooo you got your 32 I'm so scared." I said; "No I have my 38!" He has one of those irritating, annoying high pitched voices. Noid is so screwed up, it's sad he's almost gone. Mike sent me a hand made card with a rose, two hearts and a sash with our names on it.

Saline's home is now the best single wide trailer in this park and mine is the best double wide and a half. I fixed, repaired and remodeled my home and her's. Noid died in his sleep at 6:00 A.M. this morning on October 23, 2007. Looking out my kitchen window they're breaking Noid's legs in front of Saline. He died sitting up in his chair in the living room next door. No one can convince me it's not from alcohol, trumpets and an overload of drugs mixed with epilepsy medication, I smell Ratanal.

Saline watched them take Noid's body out of the park. Saline was standing in the middle of the street shocked and lost without him. Vulnerable to Patty, her crack head daughters, Ratanal, and neighbors smothering and fake consoling her. I brought her inside to get her away from these demons and got her addicted to cigarettes and coffee. Mr Wiener isn't going to do her right by coming up with the titles on either trailer. Noid was in a drug stupor and couldn't function.

He was too wasted to tell anyone he was in Oz land all the time. Now Saline is the Trumpet keeper living in Noid's trailer. There are no titles for most of the trailers in Bithlo. Mine only has one, the other side don't exist. Thinking she could get the titles she spent a lot of money. I thought this would get her mind off Noid. If she comes home everyday and sees a lot of progress would keep her mind occupied. I repaired, sanded and painted her computer.

I put pictures of Noid I had and ran a slide show for when she comes home. She trust me with her home and keys so I can come and go as I please. Micky is home and two rooms and bathroom are knee deep in dirty clothes, soda bottles, dishes, and food. Every dish in the house is full of cigarette butts. The computer, TV and mattress are buried. Food is smashed in the carpet, her bed and she lays in it. Every morning is a vicious nightmare.

I take her to get cigarettes then McDonald's for her breakfast of five double cheese burgers. Then clothes shopping and school gets knocked to the bottom of the list. I have to do whatever she tells me or she'll call the D.C.F. or tell her probation officer I smoke weed yet she does too, she scares me. I live off peanut butter, milk, coffee, and crackers. She gets pissed if I eat any groceries. If I buy five Big-Macs she'll eat three then ask for the other two.

I stay locked in my room away from her bullying and nastiness. I've been using Saline's place to hide from Micky, some mornings I escape. December 14, 2007 when she came home I cooked $150.00 Christmas dinner Micky wanted for Maggie and her friends. I didn't eat again till she requested a meat loaf dinner for Maggie and her friends. I cook for her guest on the weekends, but they never leave me anything.
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